Award-winning PR and social media agency

Grow your business and build brand awareness with a modern and customized public relations strategy.

Award-winning PR and social media agency

Grow your business and build brand awareness with a modern and customized public relations strategy.

Elevate Your
PR and Social Media Strategy

Media Minefield is an award-winning PR and social media agency specializing in media relations, executive social media and thought leadership and crisis communication.

Our team of trained journalists, messaging and social media experts create custom strategies to elevate your brand’s story and drive meaningful impact on your goals.

Based on our proven and trademarked processes, we discover your unique story, define your key messages and deliver measurable results. We set a new standard for service in the public relations industry, curating a team of experts to serve alongside you as partners committed to fueling your growth.

Customized Strategies to Grow Your Brand

The traditional approach to public relations can be bland and ineffective. Whether you want proactive media interviews, need to build a strategic social media presence and holistic thought leadership strategy or are in a crisis with an immediate messaging need, we are the PR and social media agency that will deliver results and set you apart from your competitors.

Latest Insights

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Flip Your Script icon representing Media Minefield's, a PR and Social Media Agency, in-house podcast

Flip Your Script Podcast

Kristi Piehl founded Media Minefield after an unexpected layoff, giving her first-hand experience at flipping her script. On the Flip Your Script podcast, Kristi invites others to share their no-turning-back moments where they found the motivation to move forward and rewrite their unique stories.

Let’s Work Together

Ready to amplify your brand’s story and stand out from the competition? Reach out today to partner with Media Minefield as your PR and social media agency. Let our expert team create customized strategies that deliver real results.

Group of three coworkers collaborating at a table in the Media Minefield office, a PR and Social Media Agency